Price is total for all 4 tyres.

Engine is complete & tested by 2,5 Bars of Oil pressure.

Timan Combi Spreader CS-200 is a special multitasker spreader, combined drop spreader and disc spreader, you can easily switch between without getting out of the machine. From the cab, you can choose between the drop spreader and disc spreader and adjust the spread rate. You only need to leave the cabin when the spreader needs to be refilled.

Tested OK. Runs well.

Oil pressure 5,75 – 8,50.

Engine is complete & tested by 5 – 6,5 Bar Oil pressure.

Missing fuel pump and starter.

Engine turns.

Crankshaft broken.

Engine is complete & tested by 4 Bar Oil pressure.

Crankshaft is missing.

Nr. 60287.

Engine is complete 2,369L & tested by 4,5 – 5,5 Bar Oil pressure.